mp3 Metronomes

The demos are at a tempo of 80 bpm. Downloading the mp3s allows you to work at different tempos, which is essential.
I have also created playlists in the format of the PolyNome application.

See the User Guide further down

Metronome Structures for 4-beat measures
These structures are intended to be used in 4/4 and in 12/8 as well.
4 beats - 16x8 measures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
4 beats - 32 measures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
4 beats - 64 measures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
4 beats - 128 mesures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.

Click Structures for 3-beat measures
These structures are intended to be used mainly in 3/4, but can be used in 3/2 and 9/8 as well.
3 beats - 16x8 mesures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
3 beats - 32 mesures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
3 beats - 64 mesures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.
3 beats - 128 mesures
22 mp3 files with tempos ranging from 50 to 120 BPM.

Metronome Structures - User Guide
The metronome structures I present are simple but extremely powerful tools for practicing the 16-measure exercises in my methods. The advantage of using a metronome programmed to stop exactly at the end of a set number of measures is the sense of satisfaction you feel when you finish the exercise at the same time as the metronome. With a metronome that doesn't stop, you might lose track of the number of repetitions without realizing it. This practice reinforces our confidence in our ability to play within structures without getting lost.

16x8-measure Structure, with Stops
This structure is designed to play each pattern 8 times, with two measures of rest before moving to the next. It's important to work with eight-measure structures, but it can be difficult when you're not yet used to it. Adding a count between groups of eight measures helps you feel the number of measures and not get lost. This is even more true when working with the 256 possible combinations of two measures (see my Pattern Morphing concept). In this case, each two-measure pattern is played 4 times. With enough experience, you can use the 128-measure structure, which is 16x8 measures without the stops.

32-measure Structure
This structure is designed to play each pattern 2 times and then move to the next without stopping.

64-measure Structure
This structure is designed to play each pattern 4 times and then move to the next without stopping.

128-measure Structure

This structure is designed to play each pattern 8 times and then move to the next without stopping. It's also designed to play each two-measure pattern 4 times when working with the 256 possible combinations of two measures.

The 32, 64, and 128-measure structures can also be used to practice patterns separately.

The 3/4 metronomes are intended for exercises in three-beat time that I share, including those that will be presented in my upcoming methods.

Drum Books by Alain Rieder

Alain Rieder is a professional drummer, educator, and the author of acclaimed drum books.
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